Our activities
and services

I’m taking charge of my arthritis

Self-management program of 6 weeks to improve the life quality of people with problems related to any form of arthritis.

 Six session of 2 hours each, combining theory and practical applications

  • French: October 21 at November 25, 2024, Monday, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 
  • English : October 23 to November 27, Monday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. 

Group of 5 to 12 people. Free of charge

Community Center Greenfield Park 330 Gladstone, Greenfield Park J4V 2P7

To register (mandatory) contact info@arthriterivesud.org



  • Improve our self-management of arthritis symptoms
    (osteoarthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)

    Main topics of each session

    • Understanding arthritis: let’s talk well!

      • An action plan for a better living
    • How to move and protect our joints

      • Tips for living well in everyday life
    • Strategies for controlling pain and stiffness

      • A look at strategies
    • Coping with stress

      • Means to manage it
    • How to save one’s energie

      • Fill it up and hold it
    • Effective teamwork

      • Each to his own!

    “I really enjoyed participating in the self-management program and highly recommend it.
    I learned how to set supportive goals and stick to them through the proposed contract.
    The discussion with the other participants was very beneficial to me, if only to realise that I sometimes go through more difficult periods like everyone else and that there is help and solutions.
    I come away confident in my ability to take control of my osteoarthritis with very up-to-date tools.”

    Louise Denis

    Adapted Fitness Exercices

    The pace and selection of the exercises are adapted to the participants. Four choices of session are offered, each with a different theme.

    Monday, 9:30–10:30a.m. from September 9 to December 9, 2024

     Salle Jubilée aréna Cynthia-Coull, 195 Empire Street, Grenfield Park, J4V 1T9

    Presented by CKRS

    Tuesday 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. from September 10 to December 10, 2024

     Centre Communautaire La Résurrection, 7685 boul. Milan, Brossard, J4Y 2M7

    (Complete in person)
    Available in virtual only

    Teacher is Jean Proulx

    Tuesday 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. from November 5 to December 10, 2024

    Centre Communautaire La Resurrections, 7685 boulevard Milan, Brossard, J4Y 2M

    (Complete in person)

    Available in virtual only

    Tuesday 3:30-4:30 p.m. from September 10 to December 10, 2024 

    Centre René Veillet, 1050 rue Parklane, Longueuil, J4V 3M9

    Teacher is Diane Piché

    Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. from September 11 to December 11, 2024

     Centre E.S.P.O.I.R Québec, 6098 Grande Allée, St-Hubert, J3Y 1B4 (see picture below to know where is the entrance)

    Teacher is Jean Proulx

    Wednesday 3 p.m. from September 11 to December 11, 2024

    Centre ESPOIR, Québec, 6098 Grande Allée, St-Hubert, J3Y 1B4

    Available in virtual only

    Thursday, 14:30a.m.-15:30 a.m. September 12 to December 12, 2024

    New – Another 15 places available

    Adapted dance

    Centre Greenfield Park, 330 Rue Glastone, Greenfield Park, J4V 2P7

    Presented by CKRS

    Friday 10 am from 4 October to 13 December 2024

    New – 30 places available

    Place Longueuil, 825 Rue Saint-Laurent O, Longueuil, J4K 2V1

    To register (mandatory), send an email to info@arthriterivesud.org


    • To help regain and maintain joint flexibility
    • Reduce pain
    • Improve physical and mental health
    • Promoting coordination, balance, flexibility and endurance
    • Get moving with fun
      • Description

      We offer four choices of adapted physical exercise sessions, in Brossard, St-Hubert, Longueuil and Greenfield Park. The exercises are aimed at people with arthritis, those with moderate mobility problems or pain, or those who want to maintain or regain their mobility and flexibility, while building muscle strength and resilience. Exercises  are done standing up or on a chair with different accessories such as dumbbells, elastic bands, sticks, balls. A session includes warm-up exercises, aerobics, stretching and strength muscles training.

      All sessions are offered free of charge, on site (limited seats) and online. Repetition is key to improvement.



      Registration is mandatory to participate on site, due to space limitation


      “My limitations make it difficult for me to walk and climb stairs. I have no strength in my left leg. I can’t dance, ride a bike or go for a long walk. Every day I have pain in either my knee or my lower back or both. The exercises proposed are so good for me. And to do it in a group at a specific time is very motivating. I do them once or twice a week. I have started to feel the effects in my left leg. Thank you so much for this programme which is presented to me by video conference. Very generous of you. I am delighted, I am telling everyone about it.”

      Jocelyne Péladeau

      Programme Intégré d’Équilibre Dynamique (P.I.E.D) (French)

      Offered in collaboration with Santé Montérégie.

      This program will not be offered in winter 2024


      • Increasing the independence and healthy life expectancy of older people
      • Delaying institutionalisation as long as possible.

      Conditions of eligibility:

      • Be an autonomous person aged 65 or over
      • Living independently at home
      • Worrying about falls or balance lost
      • Motivated and able to follow a group exercise programme twice a week for 12 weeks.
      • Complete a selection questionnaire (on health) administered by telephone by a programme manager.


      The programme is free of charge. It is run by a trained and qualified health professional.

      It includes:

      • group exercises (e.g. balance, flexibility and strengthening exercises);
      • exercises to do at home;
      • group discussions on falls prevention, such as appropriate home design, safe behaviour, physical activity, choosing safe shoes, etc;
      • Individual assessments of participants’ abilities are carried out at the first and last sessions.

      For more information : https://santemonteregie.qc.ca/services/programme-integre-dequilibre-dynamique-pied

      Workshops: Wellness and Spotlight on …

      Workshops aimed at deepening a topic related to arthritis. We also offer workshops in collaboration.

      The workshops are offered in collaboration. Please contact us if you would like to offer these workshops to your customers in the Longueuil area. (info@arthriterivesud.org)



      Wellness workshops

      No workshops planned this autumn

      Spotlight on …

      No workshops planned this autumn


      • The “Wellness” workshops provide an opportunity to learn more about a topic related to arthritis. The series includes 7 workshops
      • “Spotlight on …” address a particular form of arthritis

      The workshops are run by trained volunteers. Each presentation is followed by a question and answer period (in French and English).


      Introduction to arthritis

      • Facts and figures about arthritis
      • The difference between osteoarthritis and the different forms of inflammatory arthritis
      • Nutrition and physical activity
      • Functional aids
      • Complementary therapies

      Tools for living better with arthritis

      • The challenges to face
      • Possible alternatives
      • Adapting in different aspects of life
      • Cold or warm?
      • Availability of tools and devices
      • Tool demonstration

      Nutrition and arthritis

      • Canada’s new food guide
      • Eating habits
      • Meal preparation
      • Special features for people with arthritis
      • Diets
      • Nutrients and supplements

      Stress and its impacts

      • Stress
      • The effects of the stress
      • The means to manage it
      • Physical activity and exercise
      • Emotions

      Chronic pain, recognising and treating it

      • Reconnaître la douleur
      • Arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia
      • Pain treatment
      • Complementary approaches
      • Tips and tools

      Physical activities and exercices

      • Objective Stay active
      • Reconnecting with physical activity
      • Optimal combination (3 types of activity)
      • Choose activities that are compatible with your condition
      • Benefits of physical activities

      Daily life

      • Tools, assistive devices, tips and applications…making everyday life easier
      • Driving, adaptation of a vehicle, parking sticker, companion…
      • The workplace, accommodation and rights
      • Family life (relationships, pregnancy, parenthood and intimacy…)
      • Preparing for travel (tips, safety, travelling with a medical device or syringes, accessibility…)



      Specialists discuss arthritis-related topics

      Date : 3 octobre at 13h30 Écoute ton corps!

      – Retrouver la joie de vivre dans leur corps en favorisant des approches positives et bienveillantes.

      Présenté par : Eudoxie Adopo, kinésiologue, formatrice, spécialiste en soutien aux aînées, PhD en science de l’activité physique de l’université de Montréal.

      Centre L’ESPOIR – Entrée libre

      Date : 7 octobre at 13 h 30

      Vivre mieux avec l’arthrite – Comment rester mobile et actif

      Présenté par : Ada Pagnotta, ergothérapeute, formatrice spécialisée, expérimentée en réhabilitation physique en rhumatologie et orthopédie.

      Inscriptions : Bibliothèque de Brossard

      Date : 10 octobre at 14h

      Ingrédients essentiels pour une bonne santé mentale, des moyens pour favoriser le bienêtre global dans le quotidien

      Présenté par : Eudoxie Adopo, kinésiologue, formatrice, spécialiste en soutien aux aînées, PhD en science de l’activité physique de l’université de Montréal.

      Bibliothèque Saint Lambert, 490 Mercille

      – Entrée libre

      Jeudi le 17 octobre à 14h

      L’hypnose en gestion de la douleur chronique

      Présenté par : Dr David Ogez, Psychologue, clinicien chercheur Hôp. Maisonneuve Rosemont, adjoint au Département de Médecine Univ. de Montréal. Président Soc QC Hypnose

      Bibliothèque Saint Lambert, 490 Mercille- Entrée Libre

      Date : October 21th at 13:30 pm

      Mental Health vs Physical Health and Well-being

      Presented by: Manoushka Charles, experienced nurse, specialist in mental health and psychosocial recovery – St Mary’s Hospital

      Inscriptions : Bibliothèque de Brossard

      Date : November 18th at13:30 pm

      The benefits of good sleep

      Presented by : Sheryl Guloy, leading a team of sleep experts whose mission is to promote sleep health and well-being – Somnolance Plus

      Registration : Brossard library


      • The conferences provide an opportunity to discuss a topic related to arthritis with experts.

      Group support

      (Causons d’arthrite /Share and Shine with Arthritis)

      Next activities:

      • Causons d’arthrite (français), from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. – May 13, 2024
      • Share and Shine with Arthritis (English) from 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m. –   May 27, 2024

      On site at the Georgette-Lepage Library in Brossard, 7855 avenue San-Francisco, Brossard, J4X 2A4
      To attend online via TEAMS Cliquez ici / Click here

      Register online with the Brossard Library a few weeks before the event using the following links:





        Group support meetings provide an opportunity for peers to discuss different aspects of living well with arthritis. These meetings are aimed at people who are newly diagnosed, people who want to share their concerns or experiences, or people who want to learn more in an informal, non-judgmental setting. Join the arthritis community to share your story, discoveries and experiences, to inspire and be inspired, to learn from others, to ask questions, all in an informal way.

        Themes when gathering

        (Themes are adapted to the needs of the participants)


          • Share experiences, tips and tricks with arthritis people
          • Share on themes related to arthritis

        Social activities:

        Monthly Brunch

        Join us for a fun-filled brunch on the first Friday of every month, at 11 a.m. at the Barbies Restaurant in Brossard (7850, Boul. Taschereau, Brossard, J4X 1C2)

        Each pays for their own meal. 

        Next dates: September 13, 2024

        Reserve your place no later than the Wednesday before the activity at : info@arthriterivesud.org

        Flash Arthritis


        • Provide readers with the latest news about Arthritis South shore’s activities
        • Provide testimonials from peers
        • Talking about resources
        • Provide information on current developments
        • And other things.

        Arthritis South Shore periodically publishes a newsletter under the name “Flash Arthritis“.

        This newsletter deals with diet, exercise, the latest medical advances, the latest publications, and allows experts and affected people to share their experiences. You can also find out about upcoming activities organized by Arthritis South Shore.

        To view Flash Athritis publications, simply click on the image below.

        Contact us

        By phone

        By email


        Our postal address

        5811 av Auteuil
        Brossard, Qc J4Z 1M9

        Leave us a message